it happened this morning when i check vrf
Status up but protocol down cisco router
some situs explaine that its because the connection between interface and the other end failed to negotiate, to solve this, we need to make sure the setting between our interface and the other end configured rightly. “This could be caused by a unidirectional link of some type, a hardware/software failure on the switch, or the other side could be err-disabled or shutdown on the other side. This could also be a problem if different protocols are used for trunking(ISL vs dot1q).
host#sh ipv4 vrf all interface brief
Tue Feb 11 09:19:54.620 GMT
Interface IP-Address Status Protocol Vrf-Name
host#sh ipv4 vrf all interface brief | in 0/0/0/0.3550
Tue Feb 11 09:34:08.637 GMT
GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0.3550 Up Down Mpls_A
but after i check it seems that there was no problem with the configuration because other interface showed up up status.
after showing list of all interface with the same vrf name i figured out that there are 2 interface within same vrf that had same ip address..
GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0.3544 Up Up Mpls_A
GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0.3550 Up Down Mpls_A
so the problem is because we assigned same IP address to different interface within same vrf :).