Tag Archives: android

KODI XBMC installation on raspbian raspberry pi

Kodi / XBMC enable raspbian raspberry pi to act as module to convert dumb tv to smart tv :). ill also add how to connect xbmc via android phone.

What you need:

1. raspberry pi
2. internet connection
3. mouse
4. wifi module (for remote application on adroid phone)
5. hdmi cable

Raspberry pi 2 kodi hdmi connection
Raspberry pi 2 kodi hdmi connection

Step by step.

A. Install kodi/xmbc

1. sudo apt-get update
2. apt-get install kodi

B. enable kodi on startup

1. sudo nano /etc/default/kodi
2. change ENABLED=0 to ENABLED=1

C. enable kodi keyboard & mouse input

1. sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/10-permissions.rules
2. add these lines
# input
KERNEL==”mouse*|mice|event*”,   MODE=”0660″, GROUP=”input”
KERNEL==”ts[0-9]*|uinput”,      MODE=”0660″, GROUP=”input”
KERNEL==”js[0-9]*”,             MODE=”0660″, GROUP=”input”

# tty
KERNEL==”tty[0-9]*”,            MODE=”0666″

# vchiq
SUBSYSTEM==”vchiq”,  GROUP=”video”, MODE=”0660″
3. Save file

4. Add user kodi to input group
sudo usermod -a -G input kodi

5. reboot
sudo reboot

on this point when you plug hdmi, xbmc/kodi display will appear on your monitor screen.
you can control xbmc input via your mouse :D.

kodi add-on 9gag tv
kodi add-on 9gag tv

Now if you want to connect raspberry pi xbmc / kodi via android phone, follow instructions below

D. Connect raspberry pi kodi/xbmc via android phone
1. on kodi/xbmc display, choose setting > webserver
2. click enable webserver option, edit webserver port with any number you like.
The default value is 8080 but u can change it if you also have other webserver application installed on your raspberry pi such as apache
3. edit username and password, default value is username:kodi, password:kodi
4. install xbmc remote application on your android phone.
5. connect your android phone & rasberry pi to your home network. (hotspot), input your raspberry ip address, and username, password for kodi on xbmc remote application
6. Viola, now you can control raspberry pi kodi/xbmc via your android phone.

BBM for Android Free Download : Plus Minus of BBM for Android Aplication

It is confirmed and tested that BBM for android is working for any android ics 4.0 or later ‘phone’ version and iphone. I had confirmed it by my huawei y 300 phone, it works smoothly and pretty fast compared to Line. However BBM which is known for its robustness still lack of feature.. unlike whatsup which offers to send media form, image, sound, and video, BBM only offers the user to send Picture and record of sound. But its speed and its message status (Delivered-Read notification) is good enough if you consider, minimal usage of multimedia during your communication. User interface is pretty good, but the font and send-option message bar is to big and little bit disturbing for 4 inch phone.

if you want to experience it you can download it here
download free BBM for Android
this is the right link of BBM application on playstore among other BBM-like applications in playstore.

If you come to playstore and search it, just type “BBM for Android”.. This morning, it is located on the second list, with title BBM and small description “BlackBerry Limited”. just make sure you download the right one 🙂

Currently Tablet is not Supported
If you want to download BBM for your tablet, but you can’t install it, there is no wrong with your device. From article http://appscout.pcmag.com/apple-ios-iphone-ipad-ipod/317108-bbm-finally-launches-on-iphone-and-android , i find out that this new release version has not yet support the Tablet version of any android. so just be patient if you still want to download BBM for your tablet, it may come real soon :D.

here i will resume the plus minus off bbm compared to some other chat application
plus :
– Fast & Smooth (compared to Line)
– Add privacy because you use BBM ID instead of you own phone number.
– Has Delivered and Read notification. It will help you to assure the status of your message (whatsup doesnt have this)
– Good User Interface. The display of Android for BBM is better than the original BBM in Blackberry

minus :
– Minimal Multimedia Feature. You can only send your picture and recorded sound (compared to whatsup and Line)
– Harder to invite or to add friend because you should know the BBM ID (compared to whastup)
– Knowing BBM ID doesnt mean you can call the user. BBM ID is separated information to phone number, you still need to share or know phone number manually to be able to call other user.
– Little bit disturbing display of send message option. The display is too big for 4 inch screen

Nah, I think thats all,
again you can download BBM For Android Here