I found interesting book about backtrack and how the term penetration testing described. it is far beyond my imagination though. Here, the term penetration testing comes with words auditor, security auditor. Pentester can also become security auditor that has great responsibility to a system.
In those book i found backtrack methodology. it is actually step by step action taken by security editor in doing his penetration testing using backtrack.
those step divided into :
1. Target Scope
2. Gathering Information
3. Target Discovery
4. Enumerating Target
5. Vulnerability Mapping
6. Social Networking
7. Exploiting target
8. Privilege Escalation
9. Maintaining Access
10. Document and Reporting
Each of those processes can be done with all backtrack tools available on fresh installation of backtrack OS.
Well, i haven’t done any practical action yet actually. So later i will come up with it.
error!! arh!!
root@bt:~# cd/usr/lib/chromium-browser
bash: cd/usr/lib/chromium-browser: No such file or directory
plz help
apt-get install chromium-browser
u most install this maybe not work in live cd or DVD
E: Couldn’t find package swfdec
flash doesn’t work
hi, I installed the flashplugin as you said but my firefox still says I dont have adobe flash player =S, any idea? thx.
have you disabled any extensions?