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Inductive Reasoning

Inductive reasoning usually called generalization, we given by some examples and try to make generalization from those examples to arrive at our conclusion.

For example you can write the number of factor of each number from 1 to 25. And you will only find that only the quadratic number that has odd number of factor. (4 has 3 factors, 9 has 3 factors, 16 has 5 factors, 25 has 3 factor). Then you extend your sample to 1000 for example, and find the same observation, you then conclude that only quadratic number will have odd number of factor.

in Geometry this inductive reasoning has some weakness :

1. Measurement in geometry can not be done precisely, result is only approximate
2. Each sample should be took care carefully, we need to examine every possibility from the sample
3. We do not give / can not give explanation why conclusion are true, the result comes from our observation through samples

but however, this inductive reasoning is a powerful tool in discovering and making conjecture.

the result of inductive reasoning is called conjecture, it is true conclusion that we draw but we can not give any explanation why the conclusion is true, the result in only probably true.

counterexample is any sample that we can use to prove that generalization taken by inductive reasoning is false

Free Online Picture Editor is one of top free online picture editor.

This online editor provides you free registration access, downloadable edited picture, nice editor environment, good menus and facilities. The result is beautiful, even when you just do little changes on you picture, for example i try to edit picture provided by the website.

it comes with some easy menus to edit photo / picture such as :

1. Basic edit  : enable you to do the basic function such as : crop, transform, resize, rotate dll
2. Effect : enable you to apply colour preset such as sephia effect and other advanced preset such as effect make your picture sharper
3. Touch up : enable you to edit your image using mouse, such as erase, fill colour dll
4. Add text  : enable you to add text to your picture
5. Overlays : enable you to insert certain object such as love shape, triangle, square, dll
6. Frame : enable you to put beautiful frame to your picture
7. Texture : enable you to add texture or pattern picture on you photo/picture
8. Themes : i think this is the coolest part, it enables you to edit your picture based on some themes, for example vampire theme, you can modify your picture with monster tool and you can easily transform you face (using mouse) into monster-like face. other themes are available 🙂

Free online picture editor
Free online picture editor

beautiful isn’t it?,
you can try many other effects, picture arrangements, or other facilities provided by this website. Really nice online photo editor i think, it saves our time, and reduce our knowledge-gap in using other sophisticated picture editor such as photoshop.

This website is sooo coool 😀

you can access here

How to change windows 7 font

How to change windows 7 font. Sometime it is necessary for us to change our default windows 7 font into other font, for example lucida grande, which is font that usually used in MAC. In windows xp changing windows font can be done easily, but in windows 7 it requires us to travel a little more to change windows 7 font, after googling for a while i get the solution :).

To change windows 7 font you can follow this instruction:

1. Right click on your dekstop
2. Choose personalize
3. At the bottom of the “personalize” window choose windows colour
4. Choose advanced setting
5. On the “window colour and appearance” window select text that you want its font to change
6. in the scroll bar window below, choose font that you want

Hope it can help you to change windows 7 font into your preference 🙂

Online Free Storage : How to Increase dropbox space

Now, everything works in cloud or internet, from storage to software, can be represented in its non physical representation. We can access word processing software, we can access photo manipulation software through internet. Term free online storage also usually used to represent file-saving method. Now, we can have storage space in internet and can put our files there. It bring us benefit in reducing our disk storage capacity, and in bringing our files into online world, which means, wherever we are, we can access our file as long as there is internet access.

There are some online and free internet storage presented nowadays, but some major brand play significant role in this service, we can mention dropbox, 4shared, and windows live sky drive. each has its own advantages and minus. But here i will talk about dropbox, i have used it to manage some of my important file. I use it because it gives me some free spaces and auto sync folder, any time you are connected to the internet dropbox folder will sync and update its content.

Providing free spaces, dropbox aims to target user with bigger need of space they offers more than 100 GB space for registered user, while for free user, they have interesting offer too. As free user we can increase our space available by helping dropbox promoting its service. each promotion activities we do will increase our online space up to 500 Mb.

I just will share How to increase dropbox space

1. Download and use dropbox here. Free download dropbox.
2. Create dropbox account and login to your member area using your browser
3. On menu above choose get free space!!
4. You can increase space by doing these things:
-Upgrade your dropbox account
-Refer to friend to use drop box
-Connect dropbox to your facebook account
-Connect dropbox to your twitter account
-Send tweet about dropbox
-Invite friend to use drobox via email
-Follow dropbox twitter
These simple tasks are provided in the menu, so all you need is to click this option once you login your dropbox account

Thats How to increase dropbox space :).

pwd_mkdb: /etc/spwd.db.tmp: Inappropriate file type or format

i had harddisk problem in my ftp server, it couldn’t finish its booting process, it appeared that one of my harddisk get corrupted. to solve this we usually use fsck. since it has more than one haddisk of 1.5 terra, i use fsck -y option. this option will allow OS to simply answer yes for each question asked in fsck proccess. so we can leave it, and get back tomorrow morning 🙂

after i find what harddisk that cause problem, i dismount it and get my ftp server work well, but whe i tried to change password for some user i get error like this after i do passwd command :

New Password:
Retype New Password:
pwd_mkdb: /etc/spwd.db.tmp: Inappropriate file type or format
passwd: pam_chauthtok(): error in service module

at first i got confused to find the error, it is in the last line, or the pwd_mkd thing, after googling for a while i got the answer.

you can use this if you face same problem
pwd_mkdb -p /etc/master.passwd

it will enable u to change any user password 🙂

Setting Ad hoc network (Peer to Peer) Windows 7

This is step by step to create an adhoc network or peer to peer using wifi on windows 7. ad hoc networks can be useful in general for sharing needs, ranging from sharing files and media, to Internet sharing. In addition these networks typically also used to play online games locally.

needed to make this network a computer or more, to make it follow the steps below:

1. In windows 7 open> Control Panel and select Network and Internet and then select Network and Sharing Center
2. Choose Setup New Connection or Network, then the menu that contains connection options provided windows 7 will appear, from the menus there select setup a wireless ad hoc basis.
3. After selecting the menu appear on wireless ad hoc explanation, click next
4. Next comes form that must be filled in. Those are the Network Name: Type Security, and Security Key;
enter the required information

for example Network Name: HpmeAdhoc, Security Type: WPA2-Personal, Security Key: 12345678,

save of this network part is used if you want to save ad hoc configuration, so that if restart the computer we dont need to perform the steps from 1 to 3.
5. When finished filling click Next.
Continue reading Setting Ad hoc network (Peer to Peer) Windows 7

USB Bootable Windows 7 Installation

usb bootable windows 7 is windows 7 installation software booted via usb flashdisk. any flashdisk with capacity larger than 3.5 GB can be use as usb bootable windows. All you need to create usb bootable windows 7 installation is windows 7 installation software in ISO format, windows 7 USB DVD downloader for microsoft, and Flashdisk larger than 3.5 or 4 GB. you will need more than 4 GB for windows 7 64 bit installation. but for 32bit windows 7 installation you will need approximately 2.5 Gb.

here are the steps to make usb bootable windows 7 :

1. Make sure you have windows 7 installation in ISO format.
2. Download Windows 7 USB DVD Downloader form here
3. Run Windows 7 USB DVD Downloader, just choose OK to default install

usb bootable windows 7 installation
usb bootable windows 7 installation

4. After you finished the installation windows 7 usb dvd downloader icon will come up to your desktop. Run this program as administrator
windows7 USB DVD downloader
windows7 USB DVD downloader

windows7 USB DVD downloader
windows7 USB DVD downloader

5. Select the media and Click next
6. Open or Choose the Windows 7 Installation in ISO format
windows7 USB DVD downloader choose ISO to install
windows7 USB DVD downloader choose ISO to install

7. Choose Install and wait untill Finish 😀

Reinstall Apache2 on Ubuntu

there is some problems when i want to reinstall apache2 through aptitude / package. when i try usual apt-get remove apache2 then apt-get install apache2 i always get this message

/etc/apache2/envvars: No such file or directory
invoke-rc.d: initscript apache2, action “start” failed.

the message then says that its probably because you have deleted dir apache2. the problem is on apache2.2-common, but simple apt-get remove or dpkg –purge wont work, mostly because thera still package dependencies that prevent the package from deletion. after googling sometime i find same post that has been solved by running this command :

[php]sudo apt-get remove –purge $(dpkg -l apache* | grep ii | awk ‘{print $2}’) && sudo apt-get install apache2[/php]

that command will aslo work for usual reinstall (reinstall without any problem before)

Virtualmin Suexec Problem

The Suexec command on your system is configured to only run scripts under /var/www, but the Virtualmin base directory is /home. CGI and PHP scripts run as domain owners will not be executed.

to solve this problem

1. install custom version of suexec
apt-get install apache2-suexec-custom
2. modify /etc/apache2/suexec/www-data
nano /etc/apache2/suexec/www-data
3. change first line /var/www to /home

it should solve the problem