Itinerary Karimun Jawa Trip

Berikut adalah contoh itinerary karimun trip

Itinerary Karimun Trip Day 1
Day 1 :
20:00 : Kumpul di Gambir
21:00 : OTW stasiun Semarang Tawang

Itinerary Karimun Trip Day 2
Day 2 :
03.00 : Sampai di stasiun Semarang Tawang
04.00 : Berangkat menuju Pelabuhan Kartini Jepara menggunakan mobil
06.00 : Sampai di meeting point Pelabuhan Kartini Jepara (bisa sarapan, minum)
08.00 : Perjalanan menuju Karimun Jawa menggunakan kapal express (please check jadwal kapal yang mau dipakai, biasanya pagi)
10.30 : Sampai di pelabuhan
11.00 : Check-in homestay
12.00 : Ishoma (istirahat dan makan siang)
12.30 : Persiapan Snorkling
13.00 : Perjalanan Menuju Menjangan Kecil
13.30 : Snorkling di spot ikan hias / nemo spot
14.00 : Eksplor Menjangan Kecil dan Menjangan Besar
16.00 : Menuju ke pantai tanjung gelam
17.00 : Sunset di tanjung gelam
18.00 : Kembali ke Karimun Jawa
19.00 : Makan malam di Alun-Alun Karimun Jawa

Itinerary  Karimun Trip Day 3
Day 3 :
07.00 : Sarapan
08.00 : Persiapan tur laut hari ke 2
08.30 : Kumpul di dermaga karimun jawa
09.30 : Snorkling di pulau gosong cemara
11.30 : Eksplor gosong cemara & piknik lunch
13.30 : Snorkling di karang  sendok (menjangan besar)
15.00 : main di pantai menjangan kecil
16.30 : sunset di bukit love karimun jawa
18.00 : balik ke homestay
19.00 : Makan malam
20.00 : jalan-jalan ke alun-alun karimun jawa dan beli oleh-oleh
22.00 : Kembali ke homestay

Itinerary Karimun Trip Day 4 :
06.00 : Sarapan
07.00 : Persiapan Check Out Homestay
08.00  : Perjalanan Ke Jepara (atau check jadwal kapal yang mau dipakai, biasanya pagi)
10.00 : Sampai Ke Jepara (atau check jadwal kapal yang mau dipakai, biasanya pagi)
11.00 : berangkat Ke stasiun semarang tawang
13.00 : sampai di stasiun semarang tawang
16:00 : Perjalanan dari stasiun semarang tawang ke gambir

How to add Title on Adobe Premiere Pro

Adding title / teks in the middle of your video can be done simply by pressing CTRL + T button on Adobe Premiere Pro 🙂

Adobe Create Title name Window
Adobe Create Title name Window

After pressing the button title window will appear and let you insert text and modify some parameter such as position, font, font-size, colour, and text alignment.

Adobe Premiere How to Add Title, Modify Title Window
Adobe Premiere How to Add Title, Modify Title Window

After you finish, just simply close the window, and the title object will be available on your media browser toolbox, select it, and do some drag and drop to your movie sequence.

Adobe Premiere How to Add Title, create title window
Adobe Premiere How to Add Title, create title window

That is how to add titile on adobe premiere pro 🙂

Pokemon Go Banned Bot

Yesterday to keep update with niantic pokemon go feature i tested bot software released on the internet. This bot is very easy to use since it only requires us to do little setup in file configuration, after this little setup, bam!, the bot is running. The bot is accepting PTC & Google login.

This bot was running well with around 20k exp/hour, as i set this bot to farm in some place in tokyo, japan. However this morning i saw error message displayed in bot command line interface saying “softban”. As you expect from bot, it also has unban methode which can be done by spinning pokestop 45 times. But after bot trying to remove the softban using this method, the softban notification sunddenly appeared in cli error message, again. Actually im hoping that niantic begin to take bot user & spoofer seriously. Since many players missuse this bot to occupy gym, rather than simply doing research.

Softban in Bot
Softban in Bot

i think bot that occupies most gyms right now is the most annoying thing we can find in pokemon go. Niantic should proceed this further and faster and i hope this softban message is the result of a new patch done by niantic before they do the ban wae. Let’s hope for the best :).


Werewolf bot on telegram

Werewolf bot on telegram,

Telegram users, now if you want to play werewolf on telegram you can add werewolf moderator bot.
you can create group and add @werewolfbot to your group. then any member of the group who want to join the game should send message to the @werewolfbot (PM) and click start button that appears on screen. now you can initiate the game by /startgame command on your groupchat screen. anyone can join by /join command.

the explanation of the rule is available on the official site

its pretty nice to be able to play werewolf without having to be in the same place :), enjoyyyy.

how to change default network interface in linux

how to change default network interface in linux,
how to change network interface priority in linux,

to install ifmetric in linux use this command

sudo apt-get install ifmetric

it happened when i want to change my wlan as default network interface in raspberry pi. i have two connection

  1. LAN connection = eth0
  2. Wifi connection = wlan0
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ifconfig
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet 
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::5df2:5b0c:8062:b551/64 Scope:Link
          RX packets:1194121 errors:0 dropped:77 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:116003 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:1428192778 (1.3 GiB)  TX bytes:10600602 (10.1 MiB)

lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
          inet addr:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:65536  Metric:1
          RX packets:200 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:200 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
          RX bytes:16656 (16.2 KiB)  TX bytes:16656 (16.2 KiB)

wlan0     Link encap:Ethernet 
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::8751:b941:7c96:a41/64 Scope:Link
          RX packets:35 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:27 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:4143 (4.0 KiB)  TX bytes:5843 (5.7 KiB)

pi@raspberrypi:~ $
pi@raspberrypi:~ $
pi@raspberrypi:~ $
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
[2]+  Stopped                 ping

while it uses LAN connection as default connection i can’t reach the internet because it only connects internal network. In order to be able to connect internet i set tethering via my smartphone and let raspberry pi download what i need via this tethering connection.

using ifmetric, changing default network interface in linux is as simply as running 3 words command on your shell command.

ifmetric interface metric

ifmetric - An IPv4 route metrics manipulation tool


ifmetric  is  a  Linux  tool for setting the metrics of all IPv4 routes
attached to a given network interface at once.  This  may  be  used  to
change  the  priority of routing IPv4 traffic over the interface. Lower
metrics correlate with higher priorities.

ifmetric uses the Linux NETLINK interface  to  manipulate  the  routes.
Because  of  that  it  is  compatible  with routes created with the new
iproute2 utility.

as stated by above “man” page, Lower metrics correlate with higher priorities.

So if i want to set wlan0 as default connection (connection with higher priority). i can enter this command

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo ifmetric eth0 10
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo ifmetric wlan0

Now i can reach the internet via wlan0 connection

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=50 time=396 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=50 time=524 ms

How to connect Teradata Database

How to connect Teradata Database

Connecting to teradata database via dekstop client can be done using Teradata SQL Assistant. This software can be obtained from teradata link This package as stated by the website, contail full teradata software to connect to teradata database

This Teradata Tools and Utilities (TTU) 15.00 package is the full collection of Teradata client tools for Windows.

The size is around 500Mb. however all you need to simply connect to teradata database is by using SQL Assistant which is included in TTU package. The location of Teradata SQL Assistant is in\TTUExpress\x86\SQLAssistant. You can open the zip file and go through the folders above..

After installation, what you have to make sure is that there is no firewall that blocks your connection to teradata database and the teradata database itself is up and running. To make sure that you ip is allowed to make a connection to teradata db you can test using telnet to ipteradataserver teradataport.

For example mine is

telnet 1025

1025 is default port using by teradata to connect to their service. IF its OK, now you can use Teradata SQL Assistant.

You have to make sure you have username and password provided by DB administrator to access to your teradata database.

  1. Open Teradata SQL Assistant
  2. on Menubar choose tool > Define ODBC Data Source , new window will pop up
  3. Choose User DSN on menubar, then choose Add

    Teradata Data Source Administrator
    Teradata Data Source Administrator
  4. new window will pop up, scroll to the bottom, and choose teradata.

    Teradata Create New Data Structure
    Teradata Create New Data Structure
  5. Fill the information needed such as database connection name, username, and password to your teradata database
    ODBC Driver Setup for Teradata Database
    ODBC Driver Setup for Teradata Database

    6. After you completed step above you can now connect to Teradata Database

    Teradata Select Data Source
    Teradata SQL Assistant Connect
    Teradata Select Data Source
    Teradata Select Data Source





Now Database Explorer Side Bar should appear on your Teradata SQL Assistant. You can browse any database you have access to and you can execute you query by typing it in Query toolbox.

Teradata Database Explorer & Query Toolbox
Teradata Database Explorer & Query Toolbox


Java HTTPS testing : PKIX path validation failed:

I’ve had this https connection problem from my java client to other https server. PKIX path validation failed:

apparently the problem lies on invalid https certificate on https server i want to access.

for simple https connection testing from java client you can use this small java class : sslPoke

after downloading above class, just go to the directory where you put SSLPoke.class and run this command

java SSLPoke 443

*replace and port with https server and port you want to test

if there is no problem with your https connection you’ll get
connection successfull response

pi@raspberrypi /home $ java SSLPoke 443
Successfully connected

otherwise youll get exception error printed
for example i test against tomcat https server with self-signed certificate created using keytool

java SSLPoke 8443 PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
at SSLPoke.main(
Caused by: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

Some https problem require you to import certificate used on https server to your java (client) keystore.
after importing the certificate from the server (to client), we can execute this java command to access the https server

pi@raspberrypi /home $ java SSLPoke 8443
Successfully connected



InnoDB Slower Update Performance

Yesterday, i had locking table problem in myIsam table. The solution proposed is to change existing myIsam table into InnoDB table. So we changed the engine table as proposed. For information, my existing table had about 50000 rows. Atfer changing the table functionality test was performed and the program worked well. But we notice another problem when real load is applied to the application. we notice the reduced TPS.

From mysql command “show full processlist”, we saw UPDATE query in action.

So in default localhos mysql server i tried to run that run the same query againts +- 5000 rows innodb table & +-5000 rows myIsam table

UPDATE testisam SET sent = sent + 1 WHERE id = ‘5000’;

Table isam, 100 query update on particular row

Id            sent       startupdate                        endupdate
5000       99           2015-09-23 15:48:53        2015-09-23 15:48:53

execution time ~ 1 s


UPDATE testinno SET sent = sent + 1 WHERE id = ‘5000’;

Table inno, 100 query update on particular row

Id            sent       startupdate                        endupdate
5000       99           2015-09-23 15:47:07        2015-09-23 15:47:11

execution time ~5 s

From the result above, in default configuration, UPDATE query to single row on innodb table will take longer time than myIsam table. While it is true that InnoDB engine will prevent table locking, several tuning and changes in query should be made in order to work well with InnoDB table.

So because this “tuning & changes in query” will take sometime to learn/read. I decided to revert back to MyIsam table.. 😛


Kodi video and add-on sound problem raspberry pi2

in previous post ive install kodi on raspberry pi2.
installation was successfull and i can see kodi start screen on my tv. but what about its feature to play any videos (almost format) and music files?

the next step is to try some movie files with different display size, from sd to hd.
all SD file size was played smoothly by kodi. but for 1080p size first i saw lag on video.
to solve this lag problem it is suggested that we change gpu parameter in /boot/config.txt to be larger than 160. just to make sure it is larger than 160 i set it to 512 haha don’t know whether it was necessary or not. alongside with increasing gpu mem i also try menu raspi-config to do the overclocking.

now the bottom of my /boot/config.txt  looks like this



i did the reboot and tried to play the 1080p video file and other video file. Viola there was no lag. But some of the videos didn’t output sound. There was just no output sound.
i tought maybe it was codec problem. so i move to next step. Testing video add-on. and yes, the same problem appeared, all add-on video (display) was playing well, but there was no sound :(. i’ve tried several add-ons such as youtube,, and ted talk.

after some googling i found some posts suggest us to set some options in kodi setting > system > audio output. you can try by yourself. i found my issue was solved by doing this..

Step 1. Testing analogue output

1. setting > system > audio output2. plug your headset/earphone (3.5 mm jack) to your raspberry pi 2
3. back to kodi menu, choose audio output device, change from default PI:HDMI to other output device >> PI:analogue. Don’t forget to adjust kodi volume with your remote :D. set the volume up to make sure it was not reset to minimum volume.
4. the sound shoud’ve came up by now :). now you can listen with your earphone all the time, or output it to speaker (using 3.5 mm jack).

Now what you want is offcourse sound output on you tv (via hdmi).

1. now choose “Audion Output Device” back to original >> PI:HDMI.
2. see if the sound appear, if not now check the “Output Configuration” menu.
3. Change from default “Best Match” to “Fixed”. Check “Limit sampling rate” the default value is “48.0”.
4. “This is”, Now my video that previously didn’t output sound on HDMI audio ouput begin to sound :D. if it still not ouput anything try to change default value “48.0” with other value available in the menu. see if one gives you what you want. dont forget check the kodi volume (via remote) each time you try your configuration.

So far this solution works for me. hope it works for you too